SAN DIEGO, Dec. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — MemComputing, Inc., developer of disruptive high-performance computing technology, today announced that its co-founder, Dr. Massimiliano Di Ventra, is the winner of the Foresight Institute’s 2020 Feynman Prize for Theory in nanotechnology. Established in 1993 and named in honor of pioneer physicist Richard Feynman, this prestigious prize honors researchers whose recent work has most advanced the achievement of Feynman’s goal for nanotechnology: the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of productive nanosystems.

“I am honored to have received this prize, which came as a complete, and very pleasant surprise,” said Di Ventra. “It is not just a recognition of my research, but also the contribution of many students,  postdocs, and collaborators I have had the fortune and privilege of working with over the years.”

Di Ventra, Professor of Physics at the University of California, San Diego, has made significant contributions to several areas of nanotechnology and condensed matter fields:

  •   He pioneered the study of quantum transport in nanoscale and atomic systems from first principles.
  •   He developed novel theoretical and computational techniques and predicted several nanoscale phenomena, later also verified experimentally.
  •   He suggested the quantum sequencing approach to detect and differentiate DNA bases in nanochannels using quantum tunneling for precision medicine.
  •   He proposed memcomputing (computing in and with memory) and spearheaded the study of memory effects in materials and devices for many applications.

Dr. Di Ventra and Dr. Fabio L. Traversa co-invented the memcomputing technology at UC San Diego. They then went on to co-found the company, MemComputing, Inc., to commercialize the technology.

Dr. Traversa, CTO of MemComputing, Inc., said, “I cannot think of a more deserving researcher, friend, and visionary for this award. I commend Max’s dedication and endless pursuit to investigate and understand unexplored areas of physics. His ability to think out of the box has inspired me and so many others to explore the possibilities of our physical world further. It has been an honor to collaborate with him on MemComputing.”

About MemComputing

MemComputing, Inc.’s disruptive technology dramatically reduces the time to find practical solutions to the world’s most challenging optimization problems. MemComputing delivers the performance expected of quantum computing with its non-quantum solution. The company’s Virtual MemComputing Machine is free to evaluate. Dr. Massimiliano Di Ventra and Dr. Fabio Traversa, co-inventors of the memcomputing technology, co-founded the company with John A. Beane, a successful serial entrepreneur. Visit to learn more.

Press contact:

Johnny Aiken
MemComputing, Inc.
[email protected] 

SOURCE MemComputing Inc.